Can be designed as Cladding or engineered to transfer shear
can be fabricated on site using common tilt-up procedures.
With 33% of energy loss in the U.S. occurring through heating, cooling and operating commercial buildings
MSC floors and roofs can be engineered from light-gauge steel joists.
MSC panels are ready for utilities and insulation in stud cavities..
MSC panels integrate light-gauge metal framing with thin-shell.
Light-weight MSC concrete panels are fabricated to match the texture.
Lighter weight Metal Stud Crete® panels may contribute toward achieving additional LEED points
MSC Floor and Roof Panels may also be Pre Cast in a Nearby Plant. MSC floors and roofs can be engineered from light-gauge steel joists. The joists are attached to an outside wall, then span to an inside wall or column. Plywood forming, placed and blocked from the bottom side, provides the deck to pour, in place, 2 1/2″ of concrete over a reinforcing mesh. The concrete and joists combine to form a composite section through the use of MSC proprietary shear connectors.